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Post-Academic Institute for Research and Production
Fine Art, Design, Theory

Deadline: 15 September 2009

Jan van Eyck Academie
Academieplein 1
6211 KM Maastricht
The Netherlands

The Jan van Eyck Academie invites fine artists to submit research and production proposals for a research period in the Fine Art department. The application deadline is 15 September 2009.

The Jan van Eyck Academie is an institute for research and production where artists, designers and theoreticians work alongside each other and establish cross-disciplinary exchange.

The Fine Art department offers a unique space for experimentation, production, reflection and debate. The researchers in the department conduct their research in an environment that encourages questioning of the assumptions, forms, meanings and contexts that are tied to the practice of making art today. We welcome artists, individuals and groups, without stipulating conditions regarding form, content and media.

Artists are invited to apply for a research period in the Fine Art department of up to two years, starting in January 2010. The central element of the application is your project proposal, in which you set out the form and content of your research and production plans. The application deadline is 15 September 2009 (post stamp date).


The Fine Art department is headed by advising researchers Orla Barry, Hans-Christian Dany, Hinrich Sachs, Imogen Stidworthy and Nasrin Tabatabai & Babak Afrassiabi. Their principal task is to advise the Fine Art researchers in the development of their work.

The artistic practice is supported by a programme of events and sustained conversations that are organised by the researchers and advising researchers according to their interests. Throughout the year professionals from different fields are invited to set up discursive events, on a formal and informal level, such as presentations, lectures, studio visits, performances and other forms of intervention. The programme is open to researchers from all three departments.

For more information about the programme, please visit the academy website (http://www.janvaneyck.nl), which includes an extensive list of current and past research projects, activities, events and publications, as well as biographical information and links of current researchers and advising researchers. Prospective candidates are also welcome to visit the academy in person.


All researchers in the Fine Art department are given an individual studio and a stipend (currently 9,360 Euro paid in 13 installments). Funding for individual projects can be applied for on a project-by-project basis.

The academy offers expertise in all media and production areas, in-house or in cooperation with partner organisations. These areas include photography, digital and silk-screen printing, video and audio production, computer applications and other digital technologies, and materials including wood, metal, ceramics, glass and bronze. The academy encourages publishing through the Jan van Eyck publication series of artists' books, monographs, theoretical and other writings or forms of publishing. Everybody at the Jan van Eyck Academie can make use of its extensive library.


Your application is expected to be posted no later than 15 September 2009. Interviews will take place soon thereafter.

Your application must include your project proposal, documentation material and an application form. A downloadable application form and more information about the application procedure can be found at http://www.janvaneyck.nl (click applications).

The application fee is 65 euro, both for individuals and teams.

For questions and/or more information on the application procedure, please contact
Leon Westenberg at [email protected] or +31 (0)43 350 3724.

For questions and/or more information on the Jan van Eyck in general, please contact
Ankie Bosch at [email protected] or +31 (0)43 350 3721.