Marcel Duchamp, Verrou de sûreté à la cuiller (The Locking Spoon), 1957, © Association Marcel Duchamp / VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2022, photo courtesy Collection Attilio Codognato, Venice
Thinking, acting, and being beyond all categories and conventions. To be apodictic and at the same time open to indifference. To make works that are not artworks but are nevertheless art. To lead discourse without dictating it. Never to repeat oneself. To be lazy instead of occupied. To be free.
The resistivity—in form and thought alike—that distinguishes the oeuvre of Marcel Duchamp (1887–1968) is unbroken, his questions are present: What is art? What constitutes an object? What is a subject? What unites and divides science and poetry? What defines our gender and our identity?
With persistent exactitude and welcome unpredictability, resolute anarchy, and humorous ease, Marcel Duchamp made works that, by virtue of their precision and openness, reach completion only through us, the viewers. His oeuvre thus, changes with us and with time.
Thanks to Duchamp, we know that everything can become art, and that thinking knows no boundaries.
Marcel Duchamp is the first comprehensive exhibition in two decades to feature works spanning all phases of the artist’s oeuvre from 1902 to 1968.
Com exatidão persistente e imprevisibilidade bem-vinda, anarquia resoluta e facilidade humorística, Marcel Duchamp fez obras que, em virtude de sua precisão e abertura, só se completam por meio de nós, os espectadores. Sua obra, portanto, muda conosco e com o tempo.Graças a Duchamp, sabemos que tudo pode se tornar arte e que o pensamento não conhece fronteiras.
Marcel Duchamp é a primeira exposição abrangente em duas décadas a apresentar obras que abrangem todas as fases da obra do artista de 1902 a 1968.