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Announcement of the international residency fellowships at the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral and the project, travel and exchange fellowships for artists with relation to Rhineland-Palatinate for 2023

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Por Kunstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral https://www.balmoral.de/fellowships


Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,


We are pleased to inform you that for 2023 the following fellowships are offered:


For international visual artists


·      Three 4-month Balmoral residential fellowships


·      Three 8-month Balmoral residential fellowships


Since 2013, fellowships are offered in one artistic medium or one theme each year. This offering, which is unique in Germany, is intended to intensify the creative exchange among the fellowship holders present and to enable and promote a multi-perspective and cross-generational discussion of the annual theme.

The annual theme for the residential fellowships in the Kuenstlerhaus 2023 is


The annual theme »Coexist« deals with processes of making differences and spaces-in-between in art and society visible. Our current society is shaped by debates, movements and protests, in which an increased awareness of certain values as well as social and structural grievances is expressed. Advanced forms of digital communication and networking are having the effect of making an enormous diversity of opinions, attitudes, messages and experiences simultaneously visible as they are exchanged and shared. The current discussion of identity-political issues is not only accompanied by a revision of social values, prejudices and norms, but also by the search for new and 'correct' forms of expression.

The question of who is telling what story and in what way is becoming increasingly more urgent, including in relation to the art and culture industry. In a climate of debate about art works that are perceived as being discriminatory, a parallel discourse has grown up around the freedom and essence of art. What is art allowed to show? What are museums allowed to show? Who makes these decisions? Can and should artists and their work be considered separately from each other? How is the articulation and investigation of the interests of individual and collective identities changing the creation of art? What emancipatory aspirations are conflicting and interacting here?

With this annual theme ‘Coexist’, the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral together with its fellowship holders is shedding light on where the possibilities and boundaries of artistic action are located. The focus here will be both on aesthetic and artistic questions and on social issues. This is about questioning categories assumed to be fixed and investigating the interstices between different poles, between what already exists and what is new, between dominance and inferiority, between what is our own and what belongs to the Other. What role do vulnerability, dissent and empathy play in artistic creative processes? How do we deal with the Other? This year’s annual theme puts the artistic focus on the interstices, the spaces-in-between. It enquires about what holds a society together and what role art can play in that.

Expanded invitation for international residential fellows:

Call for applications for teaching position at the Mainz Academy of Fine Arts

The partnership with the Mainz Academy of Fine Arts (Kunsthochschule Mainz) includes the opportunity to apply for a separately-remunerated teaching position for the 2023 Summer Semester at the Mainz Academy of Fine Arts. This would involve 2 semester periods (of 45 minutes each) per week during the semester.

In this way, the Academy of Fine Arts wishes to foster close contacts between the selected fellow and its students, and it also offers the opportunity for becoming a teaching professional within the scope of an internationally-active art academy.

The successful applicant will be able to structure his or her teaching as he or she wishes, perhaps covering for instance communication of his or her own experience as an artist to the students, theme-related work, interdisciplinary projects, workshops, etc. The professors at the Academy of Fine Arts will be available as needed for advice, etc. The time allocation is at the successful applicant’s own free discretion, and it will be possible to hold block seminars. If you are interested, please submit your teaching concept of no more than one A4 page as the basis of your application, attaching your application documents for a Balmoral residential fellowship as an appendix.

Please note that the teaching position will only be awarded in conjunction with an international residential fellowship in the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral. The teaching appointment will be carried out at the Mainz Academy of Fine Arts during the period of the residency.

For international fellows in the humanities

· One 8-month Balmoral residential fellowship for a curator

The residential fellowships are endowed with 1,400 Euro a month.

The project, travel and exchange fellowships for visual artists with a relation to Rhineland-Palatinate financed by the Ministry for Family, Women, Culture and Integration are announced.

Project, travel and exchange fellowships for visual artists with relation to Rhineland-Palatinate

Relation to Rhineland-Palatinate means (and/or): is born here, studied Fine Arts with graduation here or works as an artist here (except fellowship stays in RLP).

For these fellowships there are no artistic requirements.

Attention: Since 2015, artists with relation to Rhineland-Palatinate can apply three times for each state fellowship, meaning three times for a project fellowship, three times for a fellowship in Paris etc. (past applications included), but only every two years.

The application period for all fellowships runs up to and including April 30, 2022 (date of postmark). Detailed information and application forms are available on our homepage.

Press photo for download

Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

We are grateful if artists worldwide receive this call for applications through publication and forwarding!

With kind regards

The team of the Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

Kuenstlerhaus Schloss Balmoral

Villenpromenade 11

56130 Bad Ems


Tel.: +49 (0)2603 9419-0

Fax: +49 (0)2603 9419-16

E-Mail: [email protected]

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