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Mapping the Collection at Museum Ludwig: digital conference

Museum Ludwig, Cologne

Installation view, Mapping the Collection, Museum Ludwig, Cologne, 2020. Photo: Rheinisches Bildarchiv Köln, Cologne / Nina Siefke.

Mapping the Collection
Digital conference

Digital conference: October 10, 3–8pm, Beginning: 3pm CEST



The exhibition Mapping the Collection at Museum Ludwig, Cologne takes a new approach to understanding the US-American art of the 1960s and 1970s, taking the societal and political upheaval of these two decades as the backdrop. Postcolonial and settler colonial, feminist and queer discourse are the starting point from which familiar narratives and common modes of reception of US-American art are questioned.

The digital conference will bring together art historians, critics, and curators to discuss the development of US-American art in these two decades and beyond. Like the exhibition, the conference’s focus is on art-historical discourses that are informed by queer studies, feminist theory, and postcolonialism. The talks discuss, question, and challenge familiar narratives as well as the connections between art history and canon. Curatorial practice will be discussed as a possible way of offering new routes for understanding and interpretation that paint a much more varied and diverse picture of US-American art.

Dr. Fio­na An­der­son, Se­nior Lec­tur­er in Art His­to­ry in the Fine Art De­part­ment, New­cas­tle Uni­ver­si­ty, UK
Le­na Ess­ling, Cu­ra­tor of Film and Video, Mod­er­na Museet, Stock­holm
Prof. Dr. Ur­su­la Frohne, In­sti­tute of Art His­to­ry, Uni­ver­si­ty of Mün­ster
Gene­vieve Hyacin­the, PhD, As­sis­tant Pro­fes­sor of His­to­ry of Art and Vi­su­al Cul­ture at Cal­i­for­nia Col­lege of the Arts, San Fran­cis­co, CA
Prof. Jo­nathan D. Katz, PhD, As­so­ci­ate Pro­fes­sor of Prac­tice in Art His­to­ry and Gen­der, Sex­u­al­i­ty and Wo­m­en’s Studies at the Uni­ver­si­ty of Penn­syl­va­nia, Philadel­phia, PA
Dr. Stephanie We­ber, Cu­ra­tor, Len­bach­haus, Mu­nich

Con­cept and mod­er­a­tor: Jan­ice Mitchell, Ter­ra Foun­da­tion Col­lec­tion Re­search Fel­low in Amer­i­can Art

Please sign up un­til Oc­to­ber 8 by send­ing an email to: so­cial­me­dia@mu­se­um-lud­wig.de.

You can learn more about the exhibition here.

The exhibition is the result of the Terra Foundation Research Fellowship in American Art at the Museum Ludwig. The conference is funded by the Terra Foundation for American Art.