In Solidarity - Independent Curators International
Dear ICI Friends,
ICI stands in solidarity with protestors nationwide, and internationally, as we are again reminded of the systemic racism and police violence in the U.S. through the murders of George Floyd, Tony McCade, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and too many others. ICI stands with our Black colleagues, partners, collaborators, and the entire Black community as we reiterate, BLACK LIVES MATTER. While we continue our work, we do so as a platform for diverse voices, a space for difficult conversations, and as allies.
On a day in which we would have shared with you our latest programs and readings, we encourage you instead to explore these links below. Please note that SUPPORT TOAST DO IT, tomorrow's online fundraiser to welcome our new Trustees, is postposed until further notice. Click here for event updates.
Please spend some time with the following resources, and if you can, join ICI's Staff in supporting these organizations:
Black Lives Matter Global organization in the US, UK, and Canada, whose mission is to eradicate white supremacy and build local power to intervene in violence inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes.
Black Earth Farms Grassroots Pan African & Pan Indigenous Farming Collective growing food in the East Bay.
Black Trans Advocacy Coalition Mission The only national organization led by black trans people to collectively address the inequities faced in the black transgender human experience.
Black Visions Collective A social justice organization that aims to ''center our work in healing and transformative justice principles, intentionally develop our organization's core 'DNA' to ensure sustainability, and develop Minnesota's emerging black leadership to lead powerful campaigns.
Campaign Zero A comprehensive platform of research-based policy solutions to end police brutality in America.
Free Black Mamas National Bail Out In response to the COVID-19 global pandemic and uprisings, National Bail Out is bailing out Black mamas and caregivers and providing them with safe housing, weeks’ worth of groceries and holistic supportive services.
NAACP Legal Defense Fund The country's top legal firm fighting for racial justice. It defends the gains and protections won over the past 75 years of civil rights struggle.
Reclaim the Block A Minneapolis-based organization that strengthens community-led safety initiatives and reduces reliance on police departments.
The Okra Project The Okra Project is a collective that seeks to address the global crisis faced by Black Trans people by bringing home cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans People wherever we can reach them.
Anti-Racist Resource Guide A resource for anyone looking to broaden their understanding of anti-racism and get involved to combat racism.