Excavating the Anthropocene in Amazonia: Archaeology and Climate Science as Politics dias 30 e 31 de Outubro
* este evento tem sessões abertas ao público (de noite), e partes fechadas ao público (diurnos) a não ser por limitadas vagas para os primeiros que chegarem
* informações sobre programa dos filmes exibidos as noites encontram-se anexados
* mais infos: http://conflictshorelines.tumblr.com/RJ
Excavating the Anthropocene in Amazonia: Archaeology and Climate Science as Politics
Organizado pela School of Architecture - Princeton University (NJ) e Capacete (RJ)
----------aberto ao público--------entrada franca-------
Sexta-feira dia 30 às 19:00 com a projeção do filme Serras da Desordem (2006) de Andrea Tonacci
Sábado dia 31 às 19:00 com a projeção do filme Corumbiara (2009) de Vincent Carelli
CAPACETE - rua benjamin constante 131 - Gloria
No comando do fogão os chefes:
Sexta_feira dia 30 com Asia Komarova
Sábado dia 31 com Tatsyua Hida
* nossos ingredientes são todos de origem orgânica
----------fechado ao público + 2 VAGAS para os 2 primeiros que chegarem-------
O seminário: (seminário em língua inglesa!)
Friday, 30 October: The politics of Archaeology
14hs: Archaeology as Political Science, lecture by Eduardo Neves (Museu de Arqueologia e Etnologia da USP)
17hs: Coffee Break
17:30hs: Forensis in Amazonia (discussion with Eduardo Neves, Eduardo Cadava, Eyal Weizman, Paulo Tavares, Armin Linke, Princeton Students & Capacete Residency)
19hs: Screening: Andrea Tonacci, Serras da Desordem (2006)
20hs: Dinner at Capacete
Saturday, 31 October: The Politics of Climate Change
14hs: Amazonia in the Earth System: Impacts of climate change in Amazonia, lecture by Paulo Artaxo (climate scientist - University of São Paulo, UN-IPCC)
17hs: Coffee Break
19hs: Film Screening: Vincent Carelli, Corumbiara (2009)
20hs: Dinner at Capacete
Leituras sugeridas:
Reading materials are linked at: http://conflictshorelines.tumblr.com/RJ
Eduardo Neves and Michael Heckenberger, Amazonian Archaeology
Michael Hecknberger, Pre-Columbian Urbanism, Anthropogenic Landscapes, and the Future of Amazonia
Paulo Artaxo, The Amazon Basin in Transition
Déborah Danowski and Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, Is there any world to come?
Marison de la Cadena, Uncomming Nature
A. C. Roosevelt, The Amazon and the Anthropocene: 13,000 years of human influence in a tropical rainforest
Student group of the School of Architecture – Princeton : http://conflictshorelines.tumblr.com/
Residents of Capacete: www.capacete.org
Eduardo Neves is Professor of archaeology at the Museum of Archaeology and Etnology at the University of São Paulo. Neves is a leading researcher working in Amazonia, and the co-author of the exhibition and catalogue Unknown Amazon: Culture in Nature in Ancient Brazil, British Museum, 2001.
Paulo Artaxo is Professor of Environmental Physics at the University of São Paulo (Brazil). He is a member of the IPCC Working group, and has participated in several major international research efforts, such as IGBP, IGAC, CACGP, IPCC, WMO and others. He has received several awards, among them the title of Doctorate of Philosophy Honoris Causa of the University of Stockholm, Sweden.
Michael Heckenberger is Professor of archaeology at the University of Florida, Department of Anthropology. Heckenberger is one of the most prominent archaeologists working in Amazonia, and the author of The Ecology of Power: Culture, Place and Personhood in the Southern Amazon, AD 1000-2000 (2005)
Eduardo Cadava is Professor of English at Princeton University. He is the author of Words of Light: Theses on the Photography of History, Emerson and the Climates of History, and, with Fazal Sheikh, of Fazal Sheikh: Portraits. Paper Graveyards: Essays on Art and Photography is forthcoming from Princeton University Press.
Eyal Weizman is an architect and Director of the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London. Since 2014 he also has been a Global Scholar at Princeton University. In 2010 he established the research agency Forensic Architecture (FA). He is the author of various books, including The Conflict Shoreline (2015), The Least of all Possible Evils (2011), and Hollow Land (2007).
Armin Linke is a photographer and filmmaker, and currently professor at the HfG Karlsruhe. His artistic practice is concerned with different possibilities of dealing with photography and photographic archives, their respective manifestations, as well as with the interrelations and transformative powers between urban, architectural or spatial functions and the human beings interacting with these environments. http://www.arminlinke.com/
Helmut Batista is the director of the non-profit contemporary art space CAPACETE. Batista has exhibited worldwide and given talks at all kinds of cultural institutions. His books include Public Intervention (1991), The Interventionist (1994) and You Do Not Need to Pay, But You Have to Consume It (1997)
Francisco Caminatti is professor of humanities at the School of Planning, Urbanism and Environment - State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP). Since 2004 he works in Amazonia with the implementation of media-projects developed in cooperation with local communities. In 2010 he coordinated the installation of “Wederã Lab”, an audiovisual laboratory running on free software in the school of Xavante village of Wederã.
Paulo Tavares is an architect and urbanist. He has taught at the Centre for Research Architecture at Goldsmiths, University of London, and currently teaches design and spatial theory in the School of Architecture, Design, and Arts at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador. He is a fellow researcher in the Forensic Architecture project and a visiting scholar at the School of Architecture, Princeton University.
29/10 - Laura Burocco; no fogão: Refilwe Nkomo e Katarzyna Pawelczyk
30-31/10 - "Excavating the Anthropocene in Amazonia: Archaeology and Climate Science as Politics" - Paulo Tavares, Eduardo Cadava, Heckenberger, Eduardo Neves;
no fogão: Tatsua Hida e Asia Komarova
5/11 - Julien Bismuth
07-08/11 - Refilwe Nkomo - "A Rap on Race"
no fogão: Helmut Batista
12/11 - Rosa Mello
13/11 - Dieter Roelstraete - Documenta 14
19/11 - Andrew de Freitas