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Princeton University invites applications for the Princeton Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts

Princeton University invites applications for the Princeton Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts

Photo: M. Teresa Simao.

Princeton University

Princeton Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts

Application due: September 15, 2014


Princeton Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts, funded in part by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will be awarded to artists whose achievements have been recognized as demonstrating extraordinary promise in any area of artistic practice and teaching. Applicants should be early career composers, visual artists, conductors, musicians, choreographers, filmmakers, performers, directors, and performance artists—this list is not meant to be exhaustive—who would find it beneficial to spend two years working in an artistically vibrant university community.

Because the previous year's Fellows are in the fields of Creative Writing and Theater, this year we will only be accepting applications for Dance, Music or Visual Arts.

Fellows will be appointed as lecturers for two ten-month academic years at a salary of 77,000 USD salary per year. Fellows will be in residence for academic years 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 at Princeton, interacting with our students, faculty and staff as part of the Lewis Center for the Arts and the Department of Music. The normal work assignment will be to teach one course each semester, subject to approval by the Dean of the Faculty, but Fellows may be asked to take on an artistic assignment in lieu of a class, such as directing a play or creating a dance with students. Although the teaching load is light, our expectation is that Fellows will be full and active members of our community, committed to frequent and engaged interactions with students during the academic year.

Interviews of finalists will take place on campus from January 4 to 6, 2015.

While Fellows need not reside in Princeton, they will be required to spend a significant part of the week on campus.

This Fellowship cannot be used to fund work leading to a PhD or any other advanced degree. Holders of PhD degrees from Princeton are not eligible to apply.

Candidates are asked to submit an online application by September 15. All applicants must submit a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, a statement of 500–750 words about how you would hope to use the two years of the Fellowship at this moment in your career, and contact information for three references. Please indicate in your cover letter what program/department you wish your application to be reviewed by: Dance, Visual Arts or Music. In addition, performers, such as choreographers, are requested to submit examples of ten minutes of performance through link(s) to sites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Flicker, etc. This information can be included in your cover letter.

To apply, please submit materials online at jobs.princeton.edu, requisition #1400381.

Beginning with the 2013 application submission cycle, applicants will only be allowed to apply for the Creative and Performing Arts Fellowship twice in a lifetime. We cannot confirm receipt of applications nor can we accept applications postmarked after the deadline. Restrictions on the statement size (500–750 words) and sample size (3,000 words) are strict.

The contact person is Ysabel Gonzalez, and she can be reached at [email protected].

Originaly published by art&education