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Lorenzo Benedetti new director de Appel arts centre

Lorenzo Benedetti new director de Appel arts centre

foto: Cassander Eeftinck Schattenkerk

Lorenzo Benedetti (b. 1972) will become the new director of de Appel arts centre, succeeding Ann Demeester, who was recently appointed to the post of director of the Frans Halsmuseum|De Hallen. Benedetti has been director of the Vleeshal in Middelburg since 2008, and acquired national prominence as curator of the Netherlands Pavilion at the 2013 Venice Biënnale. He will become the fourth director in the nearly forty year history of the institution, and assumes his new role as of 1 June, 2014.

Benedetti studied art history at La Sapienza in Rome, after which he completed the Curatorial Programme at the Appel arts centre. Since then he has many exhibitions to his name, including as chief curator at the MARTa Herford museum in Germany, and as guest curator at La Kunsthalle in Mulhouse. In 2005 he established The Sound Art Museum, which is devoted to sound in the visual arts. He is also a tutor at the Jan van Eyck Academy in Maastricht, and writes regularly for art journals. Read more

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