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The Permanent Forum offers here a space for publicatons related to the museum and cultural politics.
Permanent Forum: Art Museums; between the public and private domain
Brasília: A national capital without a national museum
Valerie Fraser
Articles photos
Arte Contemporânea e o Museu na Era Global
Palestra de Hans Belting proferida durante a conferência “L’Idea del Museo: Identità, Ruoli, Prospettive” entre os dias 13 e 15 de dezembro de 2006, organizado pelo Musei Vaticani no contexto das festividades dos 500 anos dos museus do Vaticano “Quinto Centenario dei Musei Vaticani. 1506-2006”
Contemporary Art and the Museum in the Global Age
Hans Belting's lecture at the conference “L’Idea del Museo: Identità, Ruoli, Prospettive” from December 13-15, 2006, which was organized by the Musei Vaticani in the context of the festivities of 500 years of the Vatican Museums “Quinto Centenario dei Musei Vaticani. 1506-2006”
Fórum Permanente Series
Fórum Permanente Series