Since 2003 the Forum Permanente: Art Museums between the public and private realms organizes discursive events by itself or in partnership. Unfortunately, since it is quite expensive, the site just have some events translated into English or even events that were produced in English as the prime language. So, in the english version of the site, there is only a small portion of almost 200 events that we produced or that we were involved in some way all these years. Forum Permanente is pioneer in webcasting events (we have more then 600 videos freely available in the Portuguese site) using internet tools and wide spread possibilities of dissemination. To better understand the mission and objectives of the Forum Permanente and also its "nature", please go to "about". For a better overview of our achievements and activities develop so far, please refer to the Portuguese version of the site.
- CIMAM- International Committee for Museums and Collections of Modern Art_Annual Conference_2005
- CIMAM's Annual Conference(International Committee of ICOM for Museums and Collections of Modern Art) will be held November 21-22, 2005, in Sao Paulo, Brazil. This meeting will gather experts in museum and curatorial studies to discuss topics such as the role of the art museum, the erosion of the public sphere, the confusion between ownership and custody, the right to history, virtuosity and production, and the geopolitics of knowledge.
- Reports
- CIMAM 2005 Annual Conference Museums: intersections in a Global Scene
- Real-time broadcasting
- DOCUMENTA 12 MAGAZINES - 3th Transregional Conference
- Meeting with Georg Schöllhammer (Chief-Editor for Documenta 12 Magazines), international editors, authors and local guests
- International Curatorial Encounter
- Meeting with Antoni Muntadas – About Academia
- ICOM 2019
Symposiums and Seminars
- 27th Bienal de São Paulo – “How to Live Together” - International Seminars
- Patterns in Disarray: Contemporary Thought in Art
- The First “Paço das Artes” International Conference
- Cycle of Debates: Public Art
- Second Contemporary Art International Symposium
- Forum Permanente on the debate over the Humboldt - Forum in Berlin